
poem for god
Casandra Robledo

The Woman in Silent Tears
Sony Ton-Amie

Jenna Citrus

Passing Through
Marissa Kopco

Signifying Antipathy
Eric Kubacki

Sony Ton-Amie

Abbey Kish

Amish Country
A.J. Weber

everything beautiful bleeds
Casandra Robledo

5 August 2014
Emily Gadzinksi

Marcee Wardell

Et in Arcadio Ego
David Albert Solberg

Stuttgart Triptych
Abbey Kish

Katie Cross

Sorry, We're Closed
Marissa Kopco

Older than Our Bodies
A.J. Weber

Take Me With You When
You Go
Lindsay Hansard

The Great Conversation: Cultural Change Through YouTube
Zoe Comingore

Amorphous Object &
Papered Wall

Jenna Citrus

Sundays in Hudson
Jamie Brian

Joseph Theis

Fox and Geese
Deborah Rocheleau

Kara Wellman

Madeleine Richey

Love in Winter
David Albert Solberg

I Have Made My Own Soul Suffer
Hoda Fakhari

Marissa Kopco

The Bath
Bridget Hansen

A Notice to My Mailman
Elizabeth Schoppelrei




Sundays in Hudson

My grandfather was a dinner-table skeptic. 
I never saw him regard the things
he didn’t understand, like the
directions on oatmeal boxes
or why people suddenly held his hand, 
so brittle it could dissolve at their touch. 
He told me that he owned a telescope
but not a watch, because the stars
kept him sane, while the days stole his mind. 

I asked him what he thought of me, 
but he just flipped the TV channel, 
muttering into his plate. And I watched
as he cursed the saints he mistook
for sinners, like the makers of
hearing aids, because he was tired
of listening to the world sigh. 
And 90 years had robbed him
of the only woman who made sense.

About the Author

Jamie Brian is a freshman public relations major at Kent State University. When she is not getting lost in her head, she enjoys going to airshows and playing guitar. She can often be seen wandering around campus with a notebook and over-sized sunglasses.