
poem for god
Casandra Robledo

The Woman in Silent Tears
Sony Ton-Amie

Jenna Citrus

Passing Through
Marissa Kopco

Signifying Antipathy
Eric Kubacki

Sony Ton-Amie

Abbey Kish

Amish Country
A.J. Weber

everything beautiful bleeds
Casandra Robledo

5 August 2014
Emily Gadzinksi

Marcee Wardell

Et in Arcadio Ego
David Albert Solberg

Stuttgart Triptych
Abbey Kish

Katie Cross

Sorry, We're Closed
Marissa Kopco

Older than Our Bodies
A.J. Weber

Take Me With You When
You Go
Lindsay Hansard

The Great Conversation: Cultural Change Through YouTube
Zoe Comingore

Amorphous Object &
Papered Wall

Jenna Citrus

Sundays in Hudson
Jamie Brian

Joseph Theis

Fox and Geese
Deborah Rocheleau

Kara Wellman

Madeleine Richey

Love in Winter
David Albert Solberg

I Have Made My Own Soul Suffer
Hoda Fakhari

Marissa Kopco

The Bath
Bridget Hansen

A Notice to My Mailman
Elizabeth Schoppelrei


5 Aug 2014

I still remember the girls who held you. 
Not by length of hair or by number of tattoos
but by name—the ABCs minus the E. 

I remember late nights and dead batteries
and smiling. You’d call me drunk, 
1, 2, 3 a.m., and I’d always answer. 
You’d make incoherent conversation, 
and I would fall asleep. 

I’d listen to the ramblings of last night’s
half-lit memories in full-lit afternoons. Peering into
moments of your life through skewed half-truths. 
Like a tourist who can’t afford the real estate. 

I spent 12 months forgetting your voice, 
but the muscles around my mouth still
remember how to smile. I’d call at
1, 2, 3 a.m., but I never had the chance
to hear you fall asleep on the other end. 

A side effect of self-fulfillment is the lack
of attention to detail. 

I could be the E in your ABCs, 
but I’d have to let go of my
bitterness. And you would
have to remember
to call me back.

About the Artist

Emily Gadzinski is a senior printmaking and environmental studies major at Western Michigan University. Emily works part time on an assembly line and full time on creative projects. She has one cat, one car and two pairs of glasses.